Video Plus - Movie Editor 1.3

Video Plus - Movie Editor 1.3

Video Plus позволяет настраивать, создавать водяные знаки, масштабировать, поворачивать и применять художественные эффекты к вашим видео. Если у вас есть видео на вашем Mac, которое необходимо отрегулировать и обозначить водяным знаком, вам повезло. Video Plus - это все-в-одном решение для обработки видео, которое любой энтузиаст фильма должен иметь в своем наборе инструментов.

Adjust the following settings:

  • Brightness (make your video darker or brighter)
  • Exposure (change the exposure of your video)
  • Contrast (change the contrast of your video)
  • Saturation (increase or decrease the saturation level of your video)
  • Gamma (change the gamma of your video)
  • Hue (change the hue of your video)
  • RGB values (independently modify the Red, Green and Blue channels of your video)
  • Apply the following artistic effects:
  • Black & White (makes your video black-and-white)
  • Sepia (makes your video look old)
  • Cartoon (makes your video look like a cartoon)
  • Oil painting (makes your video look like an oil painting in motion)
  • Vignette (makes your video darker around the edges)
  • Pixellate (pixellates your video)
  • Halftone (makes your video look like a newspaper picture in motion)

Apply the following blur effects:

  • Standard blur (applies a standard blur effect to your video)
  • Circle blur (only applies blur to a central circular region of your video)
  • Focus blur (applies a blur effect on the outer regions of your video bringing the center in focus)
  • Motion blur (applies a blur effect that gives your video the impression of movement)
  • Zoom blur (applies a blur effect that gives your video a zoom motion)

Apply the following transformations:

  • Scale (scales your video)
  • Rotate (rotates your video)
  • 3-D transformation (applies a 3D transformation to your video)
  • Swirl (applies a swirl effect in the center of your video)
  • Glass sphere (projects your video on a glass sphere)

Apply a text watermark:

  • Text (this is the text that will appear watermarked on your video)
  • Text color (change the color of your text)
  • Font type (choose from 20 types of hand-picked fonts)
  • Font size (change the font size of your text)
  • Opacity (make your text more opaque or transparent)
  • Shadow (make your text more visible by adding a shadow effect)
  • Stroke (make your text more visible by adding a stroke effect)
  • Position (you can choose between: bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right, and center)
  • X Offset (for an exact horizontal positioning of your text)
  • Y Offset (for an exact vertical positioning of your text)

Apply a logo watermark:

  • Image (you can select any JPG or PNG image on your Mac)
  • Scale (change the scale of your selected image according to your needs)
  • Opacity (make your logo more opaque or transparent)
  • Position (you can choose between: bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right and center)
  • X Offset (for an exact horizontal positioning of your logo)
  • Y Offset (for an exact vertical positioning of your logo)
  • Supported video formats: MOV, M4V, MP4, 3GP, and 3G2

Что нового:

Version 1.3

  • The app has been updated to run natively on both Intel and Mac Silicon platforms.
  • The minimum OS version requirement has been increased to 10.13
  • Minor fixes have been implemented.
  • New Icon

Снимки экрана:

  • Версия: Video Plus - Movie Editor 1.3
  • Разработчик: Day 1 Solutions SRL
  • Системные требования: macOS 10.13 или новее
  • Язык интерфейса: English
  • Таблетка: K'ed by HCiSO
  • Размер: 6.3 MB
  • View in Mac App Store



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