Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 v12.1.2

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 v12.1.2

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 - профессиональная программа для нелинейного видеомонтажа. Приложение обеспечивает высококачественное редактирование видео разрешения 4K и выше, с 32-битовым цветом, как в RGB, так и YUV цветовом пространстве. Редактирование аудиосемплов, поддержка VST аудиоплагинов (plug-in) и звуковых дорожек 5.1 surround. Архитектура Premiere Pro плагинов позволяет импортировать и экспортировать материалы контейнеров QuickTime или DirectShow, а также поддерживает огромное количество видео и аудиоформатов от MacOS и Windows.

  • Новые аудиоэффекты и улучшенная интеграция с Adobe Audition — отправка аудиоэффектов и ключевых кадров из Premiere Pro в Audition без рендеринга.
  • Вывод аудио с эффектов присутствия для VR-платформ, например YouTube и Facebook.
  • Поддержка сенсорных панелей Apple MacBook Pro Touch Bar and Microsoft Surface Dial.
  • Поддержка новых форматов.
  • Улучшенная поддержка динамических ссылок в проектах группы.
  • Повышенная производительность анимированной графики в формате 4K 60p.
  • Улучшенная поддержка Apple Metal.
  • Предпросмотр видеоматериалов Stock на панели библиотек и многое другое.

Что нового:

Version 12.0.1:
  • Updates to Add media cache expiration policies
  • Variable Frame Rate (VFR) support
  • Toggle multi-cam in source monitor for active camera to fill screen
  • Support for more video footage formats
  • Option to keep clips vertically aligned as you move them across tracks
  • Improved options to solo audio track in source monitor
  • Ability to make existing project into a shared project alias
  • Preview VR360 clips on HMD
  • Option to match frame sets in point
  • Sub-sequence improvements

Version 12.0.0:
Note: Now requires OS X 10.11 or later.

Work On Multiple Projects At The Same Time:
  • Open, access, and work on multiple projects simultaneously. Jump between episodes or scenes organized as separate projects, edit and copy portions of one project into another, and more.
Shared Projects With Locking Feature:
  • Teams in the same facility can access a single project simultaneously. Managed access allows users to lock projects when they are actively editing and give read-only access to other users.
Responsive Design - Time:
  • Preserve the integrity of keyframes in motion graphics such as intro and outro animations when making changes to the overall duration.
Responsive Design - Position:
  • Pinned graphic layers automatically adapt to changes in ratio or positioning in other layers or to the video frame itself.
Motion Graphics Templates Available In Adobe Stock:
  • Get professionally-created templates for titles, lower thirds, bumpers, and closing credits without leaving Premiere Pro. Search Adobe Stock in the Libraries panel right in the app.
Adobe Immersive Environment:
  • Edit immersive VR the way it’s viewed - wearing a VR head-mount. Review, shuttle playback, and change orientation and retain ability to do keyboard-driven editing whether working in HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.
Immersive Audio Editing For 360/VR:
  • Edit 360/VR content using audio based on orientation and then export as ambisonic audio to VR-enabled platforms such as YouTube and Facebook.
Immersive Effects:
  • Add virtual reality effects to your 360/VR videos without creating unwanted distortion at the poles or artifacts along the back seamline. Effects include VR Blur, VR Glow, VR Sharpen, VR De-noise, and VR Chromatic Aberrations to create colored fringes on video or graphics produced by uncorrected lenses.
Immersive Transitions:
  • Add customizable transitions to your 360/VR videos without creating unwanted distortions at the poles or artifacts along the back seamline. Transitions for movement include iris wipes, Mobius zooms, spherical blurs, and gradient wipes. Stylistic transitions include random blocks, light rays, light leaks, and chroma leaks.
Immersive Video Titling and Graphics:
  • Instantly format graphics, text, images, or other video clips to look correct in a 360 video.
VR Rotate Sphere:
  • Easily adjust and rotate your 360 footage to level horizon lines, align viewpoints, and more.
Improvements To The Essential Graphics Workflow:
  • Directly manipulate multiple graphics layers at the same time. Preview and select favorites in a font menu. And support for title rolls is now available.
New Format Support:
  • Including Sony X-OCN (RAW for Sony F55) and WAV files >4GB.
Regional Closed Caption Standards:
  • Added support for EBU closed caption.
Support For Team Projects 1.0:
  • Check when auto-saves were made or easily revert to a prior auto-save. Improvements to notifications and version history help keep all team members up to date.
Enhanced Getting Started Experience For Beginners:
  • Get to know your way around Premiere Pro faster with a six-step tour when you first open the app.
Optimized Lumetri Support For In-Camera Look Decisions:
  • Access and implement ARRI Amira in-camera look decisions directly from within the Lumetri Color panel.
  • After Effects Motion Graphics Templates Without After Effects Install:
  • Work with Motion Graphics templates created in After Effects without having to install the app.
  • Also includes: new label colors, plus the ability to close multiple gaps at once and to double click on workspace handle to reset the workspace.

Снимки экрана:

  • Версия: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 v12.1.2.69
  • Разработчик: Adobe Systems
  • Системные требования: OS X 10.11 или более поздняя версия, 64-разрядный процессор
  • Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, Немецкий и др.
  • Таблетка: в комплекте
  • Размер: 1.78 GB
  • visit official website



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  • 21 887

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