CorelCAD 2017.5

CorelCAD 2017 – высокопроизводительная система автоматизированного проектирования с поддержкой формата DWG. Возможность открытия, изменения и сохранения файлов в формате DWG упрощает совместную работу. Полный набор стандартных для отрасли инструментов и функций позволяет немедленно приступить к работе. Настраиваемые средства двухмерного и трехмерного проектирования помогают точно воплощать идеи в чертежах и моделях. VoiceNotes и другие инновационные функции позволяют добавлять к чертежам сообщения и инструкции, а совместимость с CorelDRAW и Corel DESIGNER расширяет возможности для совместной работы.
Что нового:
CorelCAD 2017:Patterns along paths (New!)
Utilize the new Pattern commands to create copies of specified objects along a path. The established path can be in various shapes, such as a line, polyline, arc, circle, ellipse, or spline, plus the alignment options will control the pattern’s final appearance.
Centerline construction (New!)
Establish exacting centerlines between pairs of lines, arcs, and polyline segments and even set the extension for centerlines to exceed the shapes that define the contour. Best of all, the specific LineStyle for centerlines is assigned automatically.
Trimming options (New!)
Cut quickly with confidence using the handy Trim and PowerTrim tools to precisely edit hatches and solid, single-color or multicolor-gradient fills. Once the divisions are made, the resulting hatch and color fills will maintain their association to subsequent boundary objects and remain as one object.
Object snaps and EntityGrips (Enhanced!)
Use CorelCAD smart tools, such as object snaps, grips and polar guides, to quickly reposition, align, copy or resize objects. Save valuable design time with a faster on-screen editing tool. Simply use the contextual shortcut menus to instantly edit the geometry of objects in place when you hover over any EntityGrip.
Print dialog (Enhanced!)
Enjoy enriched functionality with a redesigned print dialog box that improves the user experience. The print preview now updates dynamically when you change any of the print settings, and it shows an optimized preview of the image before you print.
Auto-Completion for commands (New!)
Streamline your workflow with a UI that allows you to apply an auto-completion function for command and variable names as you type them. In addition, it can display a list of suggested command and variable names that will contain your typed substring.
SplitDimension (New!)
Divide lines wherever needed with the ability to split dimension and extension lines of dimension objects where they cross other shapes. Conversely, you can also rejoin dimension and extension lines that were previously split.
Object moves (New!)
Use the ChangeSpace command to move objects, such as a title block or part list, from your Model workspace to a Layout sheet or vice versa. During the command process, the selected objects will be scaled within the new workspace to maintain its visual appearance.
EditXBlockAttribute (New!)
Modify the BlockAttribute values and properties of your inserted Blocks within any drawing to display relevant information about a particular piece or component as text, such as a quantity, weight or other characteristic. With this new functionality, you can also format the attribute text so it will be visibly different and separate from other attributes in the drawing.
PolyLine editing (Enhanced!)
Take advantage of the many new formatting possibilities with the PolyLine commands. Now, you can taper the width of the PolyLine from the starting point to the ending point, reverse the direction of the PolyLine, add a vertex to the midpoint, or convert a PolyLine to an arc or a line.
Best performance (Enhanced!)
Gain the computer-aided design strength you need from a new version that has been optimized for the latest operating systems including Windows 10 and macOS Sierra (10.12) and features intuitive updates to the user interface.
Снимки экрана:
- Версия: CorelCAD 2017.5
- Разработчик: Corel
- Системные требования: OS X 10.9 или более поздняя версия, 64-разрядный процессор
- Язык интерфейса: Английский
- Таблетка: Не требуется
- Размер: 824 MB
- visit official website
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