Lucid это новый способ добавления анимации и другие возможности на веб-страницах. Вы можете добавить простые переходы меню, Google Maps, запросы JSON и многое другое. Lucid, как jаvascript Lego ® для веб-страниц. Lucid не требует знания jаvascript, но вы можете добавить пользовательский код, если захотите.
Разработчик: The EscapersПлатформа: Apple Mac с процессором Intel
Системные требования: OS X 10.7 или более поздняя версия
Язык интерфейса: английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
We've added a lot to Lucid 2, including full support for SFTP and FTP, support for animate.css and many more extra actions, oh, and a totally new user interface.
What does Lucid do?
Lucid is an App for the Mac, it's a new way of adding Animations, and other capabilities to your web pages. You can add simple menu transitions, Google Maps, JSON requests and so much more. Lucid is like jаvascript Lego® for yor webpages, you can add capabilitity by building with blocks, not complicated code. Lucid requires no knowledge of jаvascript, but you can add custom code if you want to.
Lucid creates industry-standard jаvascript, so it's compatible with all modern browsers, including Safari on the iPhone®. Lucid is more than just animation, you can process data from forms, create maps, JSON driven line charts, and almost anything else you can think of.
How does Lucid work?
Lucid uses Actions and Connections to create Workflows that can control elements on any standard webpage. Actions and Connections are added through simple menus and Drag&Drop.
Lucid requires OS X Mavericks or Yosemite. The Escapers recommends your Mac should have 8GB of RAM or more for best performance

Скачать программу Lucid 2.0.1 (18.69 MB):
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