Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3 13.8.1 for Mac

After Effects CC. Совершенно новая версия 2015 года. Создание невероятной анимированной графики и визуальных эффектов.
After Effects CC — это ведущая в отрасли программа для создания и компоновки анимированной графики, которую используют многие разработчики визуальных эффектов и анимированной графики. Она предлагает великолепные функции управления, широкий выбор инструментов для творчества, а также возможность интеграции с другими приложениями для постобработки видеоматериалов.
Сделайте невозможное возможным с помощью новой более универсальной программы After Effects® CC. Оцените новые мощные функции, такие как Live 3D Pipeline, которые позволяют использовать сцены CINEMA 4D в виде слоев — без промежуточного рендеринга. Обменивайтесь работами непосредственно через приложение и получайте доступ к новым функциям в момент их выпуска. Соберите все свои работы воедино.
Что нового
Version 13.8.1 (2015.3):
- After Effects no longer crashes (kernel panic) macOS 10.11 when started on certain Mac hardware with Nvidia GPU’s. A result of this change is that Mercury GPU Acceleration using Metal is not available for Mac hardware with Nvidia GPU’s. Mercury GPU Acceleration using OpenCL remains available.
- H.264 and AVC footage no longer decode with random red frames on Windows computers with certain Intel HD graphics configurations. If you experienced this problem, red frames can still appear for previously cached footage until you clear the caches: click both the Empty Disk Cache and Clean Database & Cache buttons in Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
- Audio no longer unexpectedly loops incorrect samples towards the end of an After Effects composition, when exported via Adobe Media Encoder or dynamically linked to Premiere Pro.
- Audio-only previews no longer fail to start if Cache Before Playback is enabled.
- Audio-only previews now loop the preview-time indicator (PTI) to the start of the preview range as expected, in sync with audio playback.
- Audio no longer unexpectedly loops during previews with the Skip Frames option enabled, if Cache Before Playback is enabled and you interrupt caching before the full range is cached.
- Text template compositions in Premiere Pro no longer render some frames incorrectly.
- The Info panel no longer opens unexpectedly if closed when, for example, you move the mouse pointer over the Composition panel.
- Guides and grids draw at the expected width on Apple Retina displays.
- Math equations are again evaluated when exiting numerical input fields in dialog boxes, or when OK’ing the dialog.
- Adobe Bridge CC starts as expected when you choose File > Browse in Bridge, File > Reveal in Bridge, or Animation > Browse Presets.
- Text, shape, or Illustrator layers no longer draw with unexpected thin horizontal lines.
- Anti-aliasing has been corrected on text and shape layers.
- Lights with a cone angle larger than 175° no longer cause After Effects to crash on Windows.
- Stopping the render queue no longer experiences a long delay in certain situations before the render process stops on macOS.
- Exporting a composition no longer has a small probability in certain scenarios of replacing random frames with the wrong frame from the cache.
- Resizing a viewer panel is less likely to cause incorrect pixels to be drawn in the expanded or reduced regions of the panel.
- Proxies are now recognized when sending footage to After Effects from Premiere Pro.
- After Effects no longer crashes if you quit while Premiere Pro was rendering a dynamically linked composition.
- After Effects no longer crashes when you set a color management profile for an output module.
- Fixed a cause of crashes that occurred when the viewer panel was redrawn in certain cases, such as when panning with the Hand tool.
- Fixed a cause of crashes that occurred when expressions were enabled in the project.
- Fixed a cause of crashes that occurred when After Effects was quit.
- Fixed a cause of crashes that occurred when After Effects was running in headless mode and quit.
- Fixed a cause of crashes that occurred when After Effects decodes an incorrectly encoded alpha channel in Apple ProRes 4444 files written by certain third party encoders.
Снимки экрана
- Версия: Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3 13.8.1 for Mac
- Разработчик: Adobe Systems
- Системные требования: Mac OS X 10.9 или более новая
- Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, Немецкий, Французский и др.
- Таблетка: в комплекте
- Размер: 1.82 GB
- visit official website
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